2008年3月6日 星期四

Methods in phonology

1.1 Questions, answers, method
1.1.1 Questions
1.1.2 Theories
a. Representation of sound patterns and the operations performed on them
b. Mechanisms of sound change
c. Teleological and non-teleological theories
1.1.3 Methods
a. Scientific method
Present data
In an objective way
In a quantified way
Present evidence
that overcomes doubt as to its relevance to a particular hypothesis or theory
b. Methodological revolution


Central facets of experimental approaches to phonology
1 Experimental methods
2 Phonological findings that emerge from the use of experimental techniques and their theoretical implications
Major phonological issues
1 Explaining phonological universals
2 Understanding the phonetic factors that may give rise to phonological change
3 maintaining, enhancing, and modeling phonological contrast
4 assessing phonological knowledge
Introductions to the following chapters